
Latest Chrome Beta Receives Easy Speech toText Feature (Developers)

Although there are several applications that can be used to convert convert text files into speeches, but if you don't have an especial program or its addon installed for your web browser, then you can't read HTML files while browsing web sites.

Or, how about the other way around called speech to text. If you're a web master or a developer then you can use a technology called HTML Speech input API that comes with the latest Chrome beta channels, which lets you speak to your web browser via a microphone and Chrome will automatically convert speeches into text!.

Or just forget about being a developer, but what this means to us as users is that, in the near future, we'll be just using web based applications that are accessed directly through your web browser which would easily convert our little "speeches" into text in no time!. The community behind this technology will make it a standard thus giving the ability to web designers to create web pages that are easily "controlled" via voice commands which can be a huge time saver from the user point of view.

So, in the near future, we'll be seeing a more personalized and user friendly web sites if this goes well :D, pretty cool stuff ha... :).

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