
Shotwell, A Picture Manager For Gnome

If you love Gnome desktop then Shotwell is becoming a must included. In fact, in both Ubuntu 10.04 and Fedora 14, it is the default image manager which has replaced the F-Spot. The latest version is 0.8 which was released recently.

The most basic features of Shotwell includes...

*. Import and export photos easily from Digital cameras or folders.

*. Has a simple image editor which lets you do basic things such as changing hue, brightness, crop, etc.

*. Easily publish the pictures to online publishing services such as Picasa, Facebook and Flickr....

*. With 0.8 version they've added the support for video formats as well (Ogg, AVI, MP4, Quicktime, and WMV files).

If you have installed Ubuntu 10.04 then this is how you install the Shotwell 0.8 using PPA

Open your terminal and issue the following command....

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:yorba/ppa
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:flexiondotorg/shotwell
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install shotwell

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