
Bing Search - A Search Engine Extension for Chrome Web Browser!

Google dominates the search engine market no doubt. But if you like to keep your options open ( ;-) ) and want to try the becoming popular Microsoft search engine called the Bing. Now bing is a heavily "filled" with ads in comparison with Google and even though this Chrome extension will take you to the main site but still by having it installed on your web browser...

*. You can just click on the icon and start searching....

*. It also features live search suggestions from Bing...

*. To spare the trouble for all you lazy internet surfers out there (welcome to the boat ;-) ) it will even open it on a new tab for ya.

If you wanna try it - Click here for the downloading link.


  1. The new link:

  2. Hello Anonymous! :),

    Thanks...updated the post right away.
