
How to Enhance Low Quality Videos Using Kmplayer

Well everybody seems to be interested in HD videos these days but I'm pretty sure that from time to time you do get a low quality video file which looks crappy and wondered how to enhance the video quality. There is such a method actually which is not a secret but is a popular technique, but the obvious fact is the people who are interested in the area of video editing, etc are the ones that knows about it most of the time. It is called video postprcessing.

Now this is not a new thing and what this does basically is, when you apply this effect it uses some layers of video effects to the currently playing video thus minimizing the ugly looking blocks or pixels (to put it into simple terms). Now this actually is done in two major ways. One method is when producing DVD's for instance they apply this in the video making process and is included into the file self.

But one disadvantage of this method is as all effects it does sucks some of the CPU power of yours and those postprocessing effects that are included in the pre video creating process cannot be undone. So if you want to play the video you gotta pay the price, think you get the idea right?, OK cool.

The other method is the one that I'm going to talk about today is applied when the video is playing lively. And since it applied not directly to the save video file on your HDD, etc but on to the live rendering video on your VGA RAM (I'm no expert guys and trying to put these in simple terms - this tech blogspot is not for geniuses ok ;-) ). So anyway this video postprocessing is temporary applied but as said will need your CPU you to do some work but can be turned off/or canceled anytime you want also.

So I'll give you some good details on how much you should apply if you have a grandpa old computer like mine (welcome abroad).

1. So first of all make sure you have downloaded the kmplayer (if not click here to download it).

2. Then after installing it open it and press the "F2" key on your keyboard or right click on it and go to

"options" -> "preference".

3. Then from the window you get, from the left side choose: "video processing"-> "postprocessing"

4. Then from right side to the window you'll see some customization options. From that choose "Custom" button and from under the "strength" heading use that slider and set according to your preference.

*. I have an old P4 desktop so I usually go about 21%-30% which strains a little of your CPU but if you have never processors (AMD 64 or Intel Core i....., dual core) then you can go for higher ones.

Click to Enlarge

But don't apply too much since it can add a lots of "mist" on the video thus jeopardizing the whole process, but again don't be afraid just test, test and test a bit more. If you have a sharp eye you'll see the quality improvements it has even by raising the slider about 10-15%.

So that's how you enhance low quality videos on MS windows using kmplayer. Ahh as Hecktor said in Troy "enough for one day!". Hope this helps.

If you have any questions don't be afraid to type it in the comment section.


  1. uuuh, is there a way to actually save the file with the filters applied?
    I went to "save as", but it seems to have not applied the effects/filters I chose to apply.

    I could see the change in the file as it played in KMplayer, but not after saving the file...

    Is it capable of saving the file with the effects applied? or not?

    Please email me:

  2. @Tommo,

    These filters are only applied as the file is being played and the changes are not saved to the file itself because most of the time it requires re-encoding the file.
