
Have You Watched the "Free Software Song"?

I saw this song (in video) for the first time few years ago while watching the Revolution OS, a movie which basically exposes the birth of GNU/Linux. Although it was first sang by Mr. Stallman himself, but a lot of different "versions" can also be found such as a Techno version (for the European Gnu geeks :P) + a death metal version by Jono Becon (of course :P).

Anyway the if you want the original lyrics then here it is...
    Join us now and share the software;
    You'll be free, hackers, you'll be free.

    Hoarders may get piles of money,
    That is true, hackers, that is true.
    But they cannot help their neighbors;
    That ain't good, hackers,that ain't good.

    When we have enough free software
    At our call, hackers, at our call,
    We'll kick out those dirty licenses
    Ever more, hackers, ever more.

    Join us now and share the software;
    You'll be free, hackers, you'll be free.
It's a pretty cool song and as mentioned before, originally sang by Stallman himself. Here it is in his own words/voice I might add.

Here is the song as in the Revolution OS which is performed by the "The GNU/Stallmans" (Gnu/Stallmans!... wow, that sounded almost like - "Bill-Gatesmens :) )...

And here's the other version sang by the scary Severed Fifth :P (band of Jono Bacon)

Are we deceiving ourselves here?. In a way I feel like, as general PC users (you and me...) we're at the middle of the battle between Hackers and their "enemies", in a way they both seek truth in their own perceptual levels, but at the end it's just pride... fear, is the right word actually, I think :). 

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