
How to Install Goober in Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal (+ 10.10)?

Although it maybe true that when it comes to VOIP, Skype is one of the best (if not the best). But with recent changes such as Microsoft acquiring it + even without that "incident", still in the past Skype team wasn't that interested in GNU/Linux users because it took them more than a year to come up with the last update for GNU/Linux the version 2.2.

So I think its about time that we start searching for other "options" or alternatives. But I humbly like to say that when doing so we should try to go for GNU VOIP solution, Free software (free as in Freedom) rather than empthasizing on another Proprietary software that we as the GNU/Linux geek community don't have the authority.

Because whenever we choose a proprietary software means that we're putting our trust in "individuals" who don't have the same interests as we are thus we'll always end up in the same situation as we are now with Skype (lazy updates, etc).

Well, after than "little talk", I don't think I can brag much about Goober, so I'll try to brief you as best as I can :/.

Goober is mainly an instant messaging client written in Qt4 toolkit that supports the major IM protocols such as...

*. MSN, Yahoo, Gtalk, Jabber, ICQ and AIM.

*. Except from the messaging abilities it also has a VOIP of its own, so you can also chat (audio/video) up to HD resolutions - 970x720 at max.

*. Send SMS (not free, but for a small cost).

*. Transfer files. 

*. Take Screenshots.

*. Supports the SIP

*. You can also integrate your Facebook and Twitter accounts and chat with your buddies via the Goober GUI as well.

*. Skin-able interface.

*. No plug-in support currently.

Although the application is a bit new (at least it is for my knowledge) and as said before it's not an OpenSource or GNU/GPL licensed software, another proprietary utility. I don't have a web-cam (what! :/), so I have no idea of the actual performance.

Anyhow, you can install Goober messenger 3.0 and VOIP client in Ubuntu 11.04 natty narwhal (should also work in 10.10 too) by downloading the package from here and once the downloading is complete, double click on the file and follow the onscreen details. Good luck.

1 comment:

  1. goober is a GREAT piece of software. in my opinion it is much better than skype as it does not use supernodes and uses encrypted communications. it also takes up hardly any resources when running (40 MB roughly) and the video quality is possibly better than skype. i have been using goober for about a year now and so far it's been a much appreciated tool.
